How to prevent unwanted emails or SPAM in Panama
- October 23, 2015
- Posted by: alexis
- Category: Innovation

All our customer are concerned about the growing amounts of unwanted emails or spam they are receiving these days from Panamanians emails senders, we got on with the task of detect and block these senders from all our customer emails servers. In Xeux Innvovations we provide our customers with the Apache automated anti-span solution SpamAssassin, but we wanted to go further, we set the goal of gather a list of spammers in Panama, and we did it.
First of all, let’s know the rules to identify an email sender as spammer, for this purpose we choose to follow the CAN-SPAM Act signed into law by US President George W. Bush on December 16, 2003, the more detailed set of requirements for commercial emails which involve any kind of email communication.
CAN-SPAM Act main requirements:
- Don’t use false or misleading header information.
- Don’t use deceptive subject lines.
- Identify the message as an ad.
- Tell recipients where you’re located.
- Tell recipients how to opt out of receiving future email from you.
- Honor opt-out requests promptly.
- Monitor what others are doing on your behalf.
It’s important to mention that each separate email in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act is subject of penalties of up to $16,000.
Panamanians emails senders are failing on follow point 5 and 6, most of them don’t clearly provide a way of opt-out of the email list.
We invite you to look into the list of Panamanians spammers, and use the information as suit you, starting in building up your email server firewall.
By this initiative we encourage all server’s administrators, IT companies, IT departments, and corporations to use, share, and expand this list. We are open to move this list in a more collaborative environment as Google Docs, or any other form that helps us enrich the list.
If you need advising in preventing and avoiding spam, feel free to contact us or comment for more information.